17 March 2019

PAW, at LeiriaCon 2019

Weekend full of games.

Saturday in Estarreja, Portugal. Another chess match for the 2nd Division Team National Championship, Series A. Third consecutive win and third team win.

Sunday, heading south. Departure at 8:30 a.m. Gray sky, contrasting with the last days. Highway practically deserted. One hour of quiet driving time. Destination: Praia de Vieira de Leiria, for the last day of Leiriacon, 2019 harvest, the 14th in history.

Table booked for ten in the morning, with Yinzi, on the menu.

A truly new game, just released, authored by the Portuguese José Carlos Santos and Luís Costa, with the beautiful work of illustration by Harald Lieske, and published by the German publisher Spielworkxx.

As a host, José Carlos Santos, himself, to uncover some of the secrets of this game of commerce, set in the China of the Ming dynasty. A very rich game, full of choices, interconnected mechanisms, small details and subtleties. Clearly to repeat the experience, which deserves a more time-consuming tasting, so to discover the many flavors! 

From a new game we passed to one that is still to be!

Trying out a prototype with an original theme.

A pallet of characters, which will be posing for a painting, but full of whims about their position on the setting, the companions, the postures.

A fast paced, information-seeking game, which undoubtedly will put the memory to the test.

And, to end the day, a game that already enjoys great popularity, despite having only a couple of years. Azul, by Michael Kiesling, with azulejos, ceramic tiles of Portugal, as a theme. Aesthetically pleasing, easy to learn, fast to play, allowing for different strategies. I still have to experience its flow with three and four players, but it is clear why it has so many fans!

And that's how it was, this visit to Leiriacon.

With an excellent atmosphere, great friendliness and relaxation, a strong international presence and reference names of this world of games.

Already looking forward to the 2020 Convention!

And a little more of blue, before the sun sets.

Step in and leave your PAW print - Playing Around the World - and follow the PAW tag.
Send a photo of a gaming session, the game title, your name, city, country (and, if you feel like, a short sentence about the game and or a photo of the city) to gamesinbw@gmail.com.

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